Jainism: The Jain Path towards Liberation

Jainism: The Jain Path towards Liberation

Sharmana tradition of ancient India signifies a shift from the emphasis on Karam kand of Bharmanism [Vedic rituals] to the ascetic practices, renunciation of worldly attachments, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge. Many followers of this tradition engaged in a life of austerity and meditation. Today, we will be discussing one such school of thought…

Communitarianism: Beyond Individualism

Communitarianism: Beyond Individualism

A community is a social group of people who share common characteristics, interests, or goals and who are connected by social, economic, cultural, or geographical ties. Communities can vary widely in size, structure, and nature and play a fundamental role in shaping human societies. The concept of a community can encompass various levels, from small,…

Kanyakumari’s Cultural Beacon: Tiruvalluvar’s Timeless Legacy

Kanyakumari’s Cultural Beacon: Tiruvalluvar’s Timeless Legacy

Tiruvalluvar, a revered Tamil poet and philosopher, is celebrated for his timeless work, the Tirukkural. Born over 2,000 years ago in ancient India, his contributions to literature and philosophy have left an indelible mark on Tamil culture and beyond. This essay delves into the life and legacy of Tiruvalluvar, exploring the significance of the Tirukkural,…

Heraclitus: The Philosopher of Change and Unity

Heraclitus: The Philosopher of Change and Unity

Introduction The pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (a city in Ancient Greece) is known for his profound insights into the essence of life, change, and unity. The details regarding Heraclitus’s early life are sometimes confused in speculation and mystery. Ephesus was a flourishing cultural and commercial center at the period thus he was probably exposed…

7 Best Ways to Read Literature Like a Professor

7 Best Ways to Read Literature Like a Professor

Hey there, fellow book enthusiasts! Ever wonder what those English professors see in literature that you might be missing? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re going to talk about how to read literature like a professor. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. Let’s break it down in simple terms. Spotting Patterns…

Unlocking the Past: The History of Autism Revealed

Unlocking the Past: The History of Autism Revealed

Introduction Autism, with its neurological traits, has existed throughout history, evolving in its understanding. Diagnosing it remains challenging due to cultural, gender, and social factors. The term “autism” was coined by Eugen Bleuler, popularized by Leo Kanner‘s 1943 study. The DSM now recognizes it as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), replacing individual entries like Asperger’s Syndrome….

Unraveling the Meaning of Philosophy in Different Cultures

Unraveling the Meaning of Philosophy in Different Cultures

Heading Subheading Introduction -Exploring the term ‘Philosophy’ Philosophy Meaning in Hindi – Exploring the Concept in Hindi Philosophy Meaning in Tamil – Unraveling Philosophy in Tamil Culture Philosophy Meaning in Marathi – Understanding Philosophy in Marathi Philosophy Meaning in Bengali – Philosophy’s Significance in Bengali Culture Philosophy Meaning in Gujarati – Delving into Philosophy in…

Samkhya and Yoga: Realization Of Self

Samkhya and Yoga: Realization Of Self

Introduction The Samkhya Yoga schools of philosophy are two distinct but closely related schools within classical Indian philosophy. While they have some differences in emphasis and approach. Both are intimately connected, with Samakhya. Providing the theoretical foundation and Yoga offering a practical path for the realization of the philosophical principles outlined by Samkhya. The two…